As I have been reading the comments by SASCO and YCL members based on Julias Malemas' matric results that has been going around lately. My research shows that the Department of Education confirmed that these are really the results of the ANC Youth League Leader.The Results are as follows:
Subjects Grade Symbol
Sepedi First Language H E
Afrikaans Second Language (I assume that this was on HG) E
English Second Language (I assume that this was on HG) C
Geography HG F
History SG D
Woodwork SG GG
Mathematics SG H
Now, the reason why these results have been circulating around is associated with his mental capabilities to be a leader. In many public talks Malema gave shocking statements and the most interesting answer that thrilled me to write this is the one he gave during the interview when "This little wanker, (born as recently as 1981) recently claimed in an interview that he had received military training back in 1994. When the interviewer did a quick mental sum and questioningly concluded that Juli-ass would have been a mere thirteen years old at the time, he oafishly shuffled his his feet, muttered "eish hau", rapidly blinked his close-set monkey eyes while intensely studying the gob of brown snot he'd just hauled out of one of his massively flaring simian nostrils and unceremoniously popped it onto his fleshy lower lip" Find this quote on http://zahell.blogspot.com/2008/10/all-hail-to-our-glorious-comrade.html
The first comment by one of SASCO read as follows "I would like to know why these results are sent arround?". If a child was by the door he was going to laugh hearing that at this stage there is some one who does not really know why do we need to know of these results.
Interestingly the second comment goes like this "I'm not sure. But, I can speculate, due to the effect this has had on me. It has helped put into perspective what comes out everytime he opens his mouth". Well, I think we all know why! If not I would suggest that you go back listen to all the speeches he delivered ever since he came to ANC Youth Leadership. If you ever worked in a group of people who are not good in communicating you group ideas and unfortunately have these people to represent the group. You sometimes feel like hiding somewhere when they are about to talk because you know that every word from their mouth destroys. In a nutshell, the same has been the case with MALEMA.
A very nice comment which is my last one here goes like " When you raise an issue at that level and nothing is done about it what is a person to? Go public and then only then are you taken seriously. People should be allowed to disagree with the party inside and outside the closed doors. The ruling party wants to turn itself into some sort of Stalin where people are not allowed to criticise them and when they do, they are purged - this is rediculous. I'm glad that the youth (us) are engaging on these issues because as ***** says, this country is our future and these old people are beginning to forget what they fought for for so long, maybe we need to remind them, batsofala clearly. With regards to Julius's results, I also wouldn't surprised if they were real - he has no respect. Its very unAfrican for a boy barely 30 to say the things he has been saying in public about people much older and more established than him"
Well now you know why, what do you have to say? Is education important for being in a leadership position? Maybe! bear in mind that, I have never seen a fight in South Africa for a very long time, then if you claim that education is not important but power maybe, where are you going to use that power. I think mental power would work well because the fight is of verbal kind not weapons. Unfortunately, it is not yet a time to kill, so MALEMA is not on time, I even doubt that he would succeed even in a war as a military trained soldier (as he claims to be). If really he could not do well in woodwork can a military work be that easy as he think it is.
In a case where you will be talking to the public you mental capabilities count. Some people just laugh when people who are educated than Malema say terrible things in public but when it comes to him everything must not be taken into considerations, since when? The country that has been hardly fought for? Kill? Mandela, the one who suffered the consequences never said that, he calmed down those who tried it and they listened because "RESPECT" is what they were taught not "KILL".
Looking at the main issues facing young people today the least he could mention were the obvious, HIV/AIDS, lack of jobs, poverty! We have been hearing of these ever since we were born, aren't there other challenges he could be dealing with. Maybe he is skilled enough to shoot and kill HIV/AIDS and lately eliminate poverty!If he can try that first maybe he can be granted a go ahead in killing Lekota and Shilowa.
You can have your say on this, but if this is what meant by the saying that goes like "young people are the future" I would assure you that future is frightening and ugly, if that is the case I rather stay to the present and not more into the future not unless we kidnap Malema and send him back to grade 12 again, maybe he will cope with this sickening education system we having at present, but he will have to start from Grade 9 - oh shame! poor MALEMASLIMA.He at least got to Matric, Mr. Zuma didn't.
Don't get me wrong here, I'm not arguing that to be a leader one must obtain the highest education, I lead while at high school and I was good. I mean when your leadership is unsatisfactory every aspect needs to be considered. All avenues have been exhausted, I wanted to believe that he only got the training but not a time to shoot while receiving military training, therefore, hungry to pull the trigger, to my amazement he is more skillful in spear - now the education sphere makes lot of sense as to why he acts like that. We are living in SA not ANC. God bless him shame! if education couldn't change his mind to view things in other ways God will definitely change him. Please Julias if you came across this article read Romans 12 verse 2 for your mental goodness and capabilities (Tell Pastor JZ to help you with this he knows the scripture very well. I lastly heard him quoting the scripture when he was saying that "love thy short skirted neighbour). Anyway God loves you Malema but you have to work on your stewardshipness...