I find it so interesting how everyone is just sick around about this time every year. Personally its the first time that I'm actually sick with the flu, however I must say it is fun being sick because you get away with murder. You can do or say something stupid and your excuse can be it's the medication that's talking.
On another note the exams. I would like to believe that I am fortunate that Bongani and myself don't write exams, however I must state our department applies the continuous assessment programme in order for us to apply the theory. In the beginning I found it hard to adjust from the usual exam mentality to the constant handing in of assignments that require you to apply everything you have been taught, something that I wish was emphasized more properly.
The Confederations Cup is amazing to watch. I thought that South Africa could not pull it off, but the matches I have being seeing lately make it interesting enough for me to buy a ticket for the world"That's if i get a job!?" When I saw the opening ceremony I felt a sense of pride in South Africa and Africa as whole. I think that as South Africans we spend most of time looking at the negatives and the realities of the situation and little on the positives and possible outcomes. I think the world is waiting in anticipation to see what Africa can other than the constant civil wars and crime stats that they hear about from the media. I believe the media is partly to blame for the way we view situations around the country. Last night's soccer S.A vs New Zealand made so proud that it erased all the prior failures.
I hope that as future journos we can realise that we hold society in our hands, that we can often determine how people think and respond. Let us use that power to better this nation.
18 June, 2009
10 June, 2009
hellllllloooo eeevvvveeerrryyyyooonnneee
wow! exams fever got high of me.
how's everyone guys. how many of us noticed that we spent most of time reading what we know when preparing for our exams? stress realy got hold of me during the exams preparations,but thank God he never leave nor forske me. i made it ,though some of my semester marks were misbehaving(lol if you know what i mean, and above all i cant wait to see you guys. forgive me for my previous behaviour, i was stressed with books,but this time i promise you guys you will have the whole of jeffrey(the me, myself and i)
how's everyone guys. how many of us noticed that we spent most of time reading what we know when preparing for our exams? stress realy got hold of me during the exams preparations,but thank God he never leave nor forske me. i made it ,though some of my semester marks were misbehaving(lol if you know what i mean, and above all i cant wait to see you guys. forgive me for my previous behaviour, i was stressed with books,but this time i promise you guys you will have the whole of jeffrey(the me, myself and i)
09 June, 2009
9 months no houses for tornado victims -Grahamstown

It was in early October 2008 when the mini tornado hit Grahamstown; a number of residents, especially in Vukani location were left houseless. Early this year they were provided with two room –tents and promised to be in their houses by the end of March 2009. Elections came and passed in April 2009 and still the houses were not in place as promised. Attempts to speak with the officials failed a number of times due to their unavailability. In an ever changing Grahamstown weather I personally witnessed that the tents are not in good condition. They have holes and the winter freezing wind just blows in, they are small as you can hear from the audio accompanying this article. Sad enough residents do not even know who their councillor is, they are only depending on the coming of the officials when they like to do so. The hope is on the new government if they can deliver something different for these residents.
Only listen the first part of this podcast which is relevant to this article otherwise you can listen to the rest for interests' sake.
Simphiwe Kanityi 08
05 June, 2009
E Class is saying hello to all Future journos.
E-Class from Durban University Of Technology are saying hello to all the Future Journos and they wish you all the best with your exams. Guess what guys they want me to come back with more lovely pictures of all of you.

E-Class under the tree of knowledge. From Left to Right: S'boniso Biyela; Bongani Mthethwa; Zakhele Xaba; Simphiwe Makhanya and Simphiwe Ngubane.
03 June, 2009
Mandela day
I have just listened to what the president of South Africa had to say when addressing the nation today. Same noise as always, same promises as his predecessors used to do but one thing is for sure we need to give the man and all the elected ministers a chance before we could start criticising. Of all the things he was saying there, I was so delighted when he made mention of the fact that from now onwards our icon's birthday will be honoured in a very special way. I am talking by the one and only Tata Nelson Rholihlahla Mandela the man I so greatly admire. The 18 of July of each and every year will be a Mandela day where everybody will be expected to at least spend 67 minutes of his/her time doing good things for the benefit of the others (Apparently Mandela was a politician for 67 years). Cheers for now!
02 June, 2009
Time flies hey. I cannot believe we are only left with 10 days before the commencement of the confed cup. For the first time on the African soil the tournament will be staged in Mzantsi thanks to tata Mandela and the LOC,Ah Rholihlahla and all the people who made it possible. For the first time in as many months I have some form of confidence in the boys this time around. I think they will make us proud. The best player in the country is part of the squad remember so I've got every reason to feel the way I do. Good luck guys as the exams are happening left,right and centre now.
Hey guys! This is just a quick good luck messsage for the exams. We dont write exams but that does not mean we are just chillin'. Things are tough, assignments and test have become our daily bread. I comfort myself by saying it will be over soon.
Goodluck people, but Im sure youll do well!
Much love
Goodluck people, but Im sure youll do well!
Much love
Hi guyz! I have'got the feeling within maself that you must be wondering ukuba where I've been hiding. No I'm not my fellow people its just that the work has been much and its been a little difficult.How are you guyz coping? How is winter? It is very cold in East London and I am scared of swine flu ha ha ha.....
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