The new baby in sports websites will be born soon, the XS Sports website will be launched tomorrow at Kingsmead Cricket Stadium.
This new websites will be covering all types of sports from soccer to baseball. One may asks what will make it different from the existing websites, we are trying cater for sports activities that are taking place in our townships including our schools as well as local teams.
Our main goal is to focus mostly on sports development in our communities as well as some issues around 2010 and how people can benefit from this prestigious event. This website will also give up and coming journalists the platform to show case their writing skills as well as giving them an opportunity to gain experience as journalists by mixing them with the best journo's.
As young as we might be as a website, we have goals that we set to achieve and we would like the public to help us achieving those goals by visiting this website.
You have to patient with us as we are still putting the final touches but by the end of the day tomorrow, the website will be up and running.So I appeal to all the Future Journos to please visit our website and give us the feed back because in that way we will know what the people are expecting from us.
This is the link you must follow:www.xssport.co.za
And remember No games, Just sport.