Yesterday we were celebrating Freedom Day and some people put their lives on the line for us to have that freedom. Maybe its time we look back and take the good things those people did for me and you to enjoy this freedom today. We can look at the Youth of 1976, they did not have this freedom we have today but they fought for what they believed in and they did it. The mistake that we do as the youth of today is to think that the struggle is over. I truely believe that even if have freedom but we can not say the struggle is over. How can we say its over if we have the high rate of unemployed young people? How can we say its over if we are dying from Hiv/Aids? How can we say its over if we have the problem of drugs abuse and violence in our schools?
The youth of 1976 fought against the apartheid government, we have to make ourselves employable. They had to wore baraclavas to protect themselves from the teargas, we have to wear condoms to protect ourselves from Hiv/Aids. They had to fight the usage of Afrikaans in native schools, we have to fight the usage of drugs and violence in our schools.
So we can not say the struggle is over yet the only difference is that we are fighting the different battle today.
28 April, 2009
27 April, 2009
Are you Free or are you Dom...
The 27 April 2009, marks 15 years since the first democratic elections in South Africa. So technically if our democracy was a person, she would be celebrating her fifteenth birthday, having just entered the dreaded stages of puberty. Recognising how immature we all were at that tender age, perhaps we should give props to South Africa, for showing a lot of maturity as indicated by the April 22 elections.
Now moving on from my favourite subject POLITICS, I hope you all have a superb FREEDOM Day. Spend it catching up on school work I would advice, after all the right to quality education was one of the many freedoms which was fought for in years gone by. "Me, myself, personally" (Jeffrey, 2009), much work must yet be done before I'm finally in the groove of this new term.
While I am on the subject of work, kindly log onto and listen live every Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday MORNING between 7 and 9 to your girl Cee.
Till next time.
Now moving on from my favourite subject POLITICS, I hope you all have a superb FREEDOM Day. Spend it catching up on school work I would advice, after all the right to quality education was one of the many freedoms which was fought for in years gone by. "Me, myself, personally" (Jeffrey, 2009), much work must yet be done before I'm finally in the groove of this new term.
While I am on the subject of work, kindly log onto and listen live every Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday MORNING between 7 and 9 to your girl Cee.
Till next time.
25 April, 2009
X marks the Spot...
I waited four days before I finally did this because I wanted to see what South Africa thought first, before I made my comments. Yes, I am talking about the most fulfilling moment yet in my short life, marking my X on the ballot.
I am barely 20 years old so I had yet to partake in my universal right to have my voice heard. The only truth I knew when I cast my vote, is that my decision was made to protect the values that I believe South Africa still stands for.
We had had so many a heated discussions during the Program based entirely on the then upcoming elections that it was part of the fuel which energized me as I cast my vote. At that moment, I truly believed that a change was dawning on this country, that the vice grip that the ANC has had on the country was finally abating and that I could finally call South Africa a democratic country with a viable opposition party(s). That the ANC garnered 66% of the vote but very importantly, missed the highly contested 2/3 majority, surely reinvigorated the hope and belief I have in this country. The people had spoken.
Granted the ANC won an outright majority, but what I see as encouraging is that there were still millions of South Africans, who put their faith in an opposing party and for that I thank all South Africans.
Democracy is an ongoing process and every society defines the boundaries of democracy differently and I strongly believe that South Africa is slowly on the way to establishing a truly democratic society. My one little vote represented my one screaming voice, but I can see that together, someday our voices will make someone LISTEN. Once again I thank you South Africa for casting your vote and making your voices heard.
I am barely 20 years old so I had yet to partake in my universal right to have my voice heard. The only truth I knew when I cast my vote, is that my decision was made to protect the values that I believe South Africa still stands for.
We had had so many a heated discussions during the Program based entirely on the then upcoming elections that it was part of the fuel which energized me as I cast my vote. At that moment, I truly believed that a change was dawning on this country, that the vice grip that the ANC has had on the country was finally abating and that I could finally call South Africa a democratic country with a viable opposition party(s). That the ANC garnered 66% of the vote but very importantly, missed the highly contested 2/3 majority, surely reinvigorated the hope and belief I have in this country. The people had spoken.
Granted the ANC won an outright majority, but what I see as encouraging is that there were still millions of South Africans, who put their faith in an opposing party and for that I thank all South Africans.
Democracy is an ongoing process and every society defines the boundaries of democracy differently and I strongly believe that South Africa is slowly on the way to establishing a truly democratic society. My one little vote represented my one screaming voice, but I can see that together, someday our voices will make someone LISTEN. Once again I thank you South Africa for casting your vote and making your voices heard.
23 April, 2009
FJP students in the media!
FJP students published on City Press online
Jeffrey Shisinga, one of our FJP 2009 participants from University of Limpopo has had his election pics published on City Press online! Check it out:,,galleries-48-7564,00.html.
Anele Ngwenya, FJP 2009, and Simphiwe Kanityi, FJP 2008, also had their voting experiences published on the City Press website:,,186-2483_2505166,00.html.
Dj in the making
Justice Mduduzi Nyalunga, a student at University of Zululand and FJP participant 2008, is in the Top 10 of a Dj competition to become Gagasi 99.5fm’s new dj! Each week two people will be voted off over the next 6 weeks, starting this past Monday.
Please support Justice by smsing "Dj 7" to 39068. Smses cost R1.50. You can vote as many times as you like. Also see the finalists, including Dj7, on and keep up with the competition. Justice will also be co-hosting the 12:00-15:00 show tomorrow so listen if you can and support a one of our own! You can listen to the show via their website by clicking on Listen Live.
Those of us who know Justice also know how much he loves radio. Justice did live daily reports from the National Arts Festival in Grahamstown for SABC radio station, Ligwalagwala FM, last year. WELL DONE to him for making it into the Top 10 of the competition.
Well done to all the FJP students!
Jeffrey Shisinga, one of our FJP 2009 participants from University of Limpopo has had his election pics published on City Press online! Check it out:,,galleries-48-7564,00.html.
Anele Ngwenya, FJP 2009, and Simphiwe Kanityi, FJP 2008, also had their voting experiences published on the City Press website:,,186-2483_2505166,00.html.
Dj in the making
Justice Mduduzi Nyalunga, a student at University of Zululand and FJP participant 2008, is in the Top 10 of a Dj competition to become Gagasi 99.5fm’s new dj! Each week two people will be voted off over the next 6 weeks, starting this past Monday.
Please support Justice by smsing "Dj 7" to 39068. Smses cost R1.50. You can vote as many times as you like. Also see the finalists, including Dj7, on and keep up with the competition. Justice will also be co-hosting the 12:00-15:00 show tomorrow so listen if you can and support a one of our own! You can listen to the show via their website by clicking on Listen Live.
Those of us who know Justice also know how much he loves radio. Justice did live daily reports from the National Arts Festival in Grahamstown for SABC radio station, Ligwalagwala FM, last year. WELL DONE to him for making it into the Top 10 of the competition.
Well done to all the FJP students!
22 April, 2009
Voted today!... Yes I did- indeed
Today, I voted for the first time ever- there were no nerves at all until my dad called me and put on his ‘do-this-or-else’ voice, “Anele, make the right choice!”. That’s when he advised me to vote for a certain party in order to get what I want for my country. As the queue shrunk a bit, I thought to myself; what kind of a difference would I be making by voting.
I don’t think many young people know that; although we are tiny little particles- we still make up a dense vote towards our country- so that we can contribute to the maintenance of democracy and human rights. Young people, as educated as we are, do not consider the change which could occur by our vote. There was a guy in front of me who hadn’t registered or had his ID- he said he was not aware that we had to go through ‘all of that’ to vote. My argument is that this kind of lethargic behaviour is exactly what will bring our country to ruins.
When we vote, it’s as though sigcina icala ( doing it for the sake of freeing our conscience) and we don’t understand that disadvantaged people fight for so much more- water, lights, health care. We can still get our birthday BMW’s- because our middle class parents can work for that but somewhere out there- there is a person drinking dirty water.
As young, educated and politically aware people, we should get in line and make the right decisions- not because we feel like it but simply because it’s the right thing to do so that the next young person can get electricity to read a book.
I don’t think many young people know that; although we are tiny little particles- we still make up a dense vote towards our country- so that we can contribute to the maintenance of democracy and human rights. Young people, as educated as we are, do not consider the change which could occur by our vote. There was a guy in front of me who hadn’t registered or had his ID- he said he was not aware that we had to go through ‘all of that’ to vote. My argument is that this kind of lethargic behaviour is exactly what will bring our country to ruins.
When we vote, it’s as though sigcina icala ( doing it for the sake of freeing our conscience) and we don’t understand that disadvantaged people fight for so much more- water, lights, health care. We can still get our birthday BMW’s- because our middle class parents can work for that but somewhere out there- there is a person drinking dirty water.
As young, educated and politically aware people, we should get in line and make the right decisions- not because we feel like it but simply because it’s the right thing to do so that the next young person can get electricity to read a book.
Thumbs up!

I went and voted today and I have the inked thumb to prove it.
Woke up this morning...
I woke up not all that excited to go and vote. Sure the novelty had worn off, but it was more the dilemma of who do I vote for. But that is not the point. The point is that I did go and vote some time after 1pm.
I was not going to do the whole waking up at 4am and camping outside of the Rhodes University Theatre (which is where I voted). I value my sleep much too much. After watching all the political leaders and fellow South Africans voting around the country on the various TV channels (local and international), I finally took the not so long walk to the voting station.
Short walk to a long queue
I was pretty relaxed about it, not expecting a long queue at all as I had voted here before and never stood in a queue. I remembered literally popping in and popping right out. Imagine my shock when I arrived and could not see the back of the queue from the front of it. It was going to be a loooong day. I contemplated going back home and coming back 10 minutes before closing time, but a friend I had not seen in about two years, who is now studying in Port Elizabeth, was in town for the day to vote and convinced me to "just get it over with". Easy for her to say when she could see the door from where she was, but she had a point and I made my way to the back of the queue. This is not the kind of queue where your mate can squeeze you in and you crack a joke to diffuse the daggers in the eyes of the people behind you.
As I stood in the line (as we call it in SA) I regretted not bringing a book or my ipod or my phone's hands free at least to free myself from the torture of listening to 'funky' first years talking about cool things and boys. I mean let them talk on but I'll skip it any day. I'm getting old, deal with it.
X marks the party
But I finally made it to the promised land, had my ID scanned and received the little ticket with my ID number on it. Then moved on to the guy with the 'push-back' hair style who crossed out my name on the list. Then it was off to the inking lady, followed by the two ballot paper ladies who handed me my stamped provincial and national ballot papers. Off I went into the booth where my cross was made, after a moment of taking all of it in and what it meant for me and my country. Out the booth, into the boxes they went and with that my contribution to democracy and the future was made. Exhale.
Show me your thumbs up!
I was saying to my sister over the phone tonight that voting is just the first step in us becoming more responsible and active citizens. I think the reason I stood in a longer queue than I had previously, was because South Africans have finally woken up to living out "the people shall govern" and all the political drama has reminded us that we cannot govern on our bottoms. We must get up, go and do something. It's up to us to ensure that our votes mean something by holding the people we voted for accountable to their promises.
So, did you brave the queues and maybe even the cold, as many South Africans did, and voted? Let's see your thumbs up! Take a picture of your inked thumb and post it on the blog.
Sharp sharp!
2009 South African elections,
political party,
pictures and comments for elections 2009

Iam Jeffrey Shisinga student at university of Limpopo turfloop campus. I am currently doing second level for a degree in media studies. these are the pictures and comments that I got from the people who were in the poll at university of Limpopofor the 2009 general electins. the first two are phoshoko Donald and japhta Lebese raising their hands , who are the anc party agent. this is what they said ,"currently here at turfloop the elections are going smooth ,we are sure that Anc has already won because we have lobbied many students during our campaign" The second picture is for all parties agents monitoring the polls as you can see they are inside the hall where people are voting. the lady from the right is Mphahlele Meryjane , who is the party agent for cope this is what she said, in history of south African politics cope is growing rapidly , so we are sure that also the results are going to be like that(growing rapidly). The third picture is the masses of students who were still on the Que tho go and vote. amongst them is Caiphus Senona who said that " we do not want manual voting in the future we would prefer the electronic system like SMS and face booking.because people are intimidating us". there was a group of students who were wearing Anc t-shirts standing near the Que where people were queuing .
by Jeffrey Shisinga
by Jeffrey Shisinga
21 April, 2009
students from different university
these are the media studies students(2nd level) from ul,uj,uct, fort hare, mango suthu buthelezi and rhodes. we were attending the programme called future journalists programe held at rhodes university, from the 4th up to the 10th of april 2009. it was a fun and a eriendly way of exposing us(students ) to the top profession of media industries.
FJP- The Fun Times
15 April, 2009
Elections campaigns are waste of money!
For me all this campaigns for the up comming ellections are now the waste of money,the reason why I am saying this is because if you look all the billboards aside of the road, it only about political party especialy ANC(am not taking side am neutral) But it clear to everyone that posters of JZ are all over and that limits the space of advertising for the 2010 for the comming world cup and other important ads that can be put on boards.No offence to anyone!
10 April, 2009
Some wisdom has just came to me.
In this world there are the people who will forever search for something that will give meaning. Then there are those people who are just passer by's. You then have the Domineering ones that believe that they will some day control the world. Then you have people such as ourselves.
I was not the spirit of goodwill or teamspirit but it was the spirit of UBUNTU and the spirit that even though we are all uniquically made there is something common, something that binds us, something that some many philosophers have explained and will try to explain and no amount of DNA or links or blood line will prove that it is the heart and mind the unites us all into one ball of candy floss.
What i have witnessed here is something spectacular and irreplaceble and NO! not the song but the truth that will forever be memorable even after the years have passed. Now i know it may not make sense i don't even get what im saying im just merely delievering the message that wonderful people are not just made by there backgrounds but the way one chooses to face the worlds challenges.
Take time to reflect because not everyone gets that opportunity.
In this world there are the people who will forever search for something that will give meaning. Then there are those people who are just passer by's. You then have the Domineering ones that believe that they will some day control the world. Then you have people such as ourselves.
I was not the spirit of goodwill or teamspirit but it was the spirit of UBUNTU and the spirit that even though we are all uniquically made there is something common, something that binds us, something that some many philosophers have explained and will try to explain and no amount of DNA or links or blood line will prove that it is the heart and mind the unites us all into one ball of candy floss.
What i have witnessed here is something spectacular and irreplaceble and NO! not the song but the truth that will forever be memorable even after the years have passed. Now i know it may not make sense i don't even get what im saying im just merely delievering the message that wonderful people are not just made by there backgrounds but the way one chooses to face the worlds challenges.
Take time to reflect because not everyone gets that opportunity.
how do u tell the whole class that you are not selected
if god says yes then relax and wait for your turn. guys i want to share with you, the discouragement i went through before i got here at future journalists programme. it was friday afternoon i was attending media class @ 15:50. when mr muswede( media lecturer) came to class and he announced that myself and nadi are selected to attend the future journalists programme at rhodes. remember it was thursday and by friday @ 8:00 i was expected to bring my cv to prof mmusi's office. heeee the following day when i went there i found the secretary and she said to me, "i dont no you so i cant fax your stuff(cv)". i didnot have money to go off camp and fax my stuff. so i begged, beggedand begged. finaly she said bring. when i thought that the breakthrough has arrived. she looked at my cv and said, "i dont think they will take you". for my suprise according to what i have read from the paper that was sent to us by the fjp's coorddinators, it said, just supply us with students(2) that you think are more deserving. it was not for her to judge. believe it or not i stayed few days being hurt in my heart, because it was announced in front of everyone in class and yet someone's telling you that i dont think they will take you. mind you every student keeps on saying to you , aah man you realy deserve it. how do you then explain to them(students)?
The fun we've had!
Today is the last day for us here at the Future Journalist Programme Workshop at Rhodes University. It is a sad day but it’s ok. Some of us miss home and some don’t. But we keep telling ourselves that we will see each other in June. That’s pretty close if you think about it. I remember when we first arrived, it was strange. We didn’t know each other but after a day or so things changed. We were no longer strangers but a team.
I, for one, didn’t know what to expect or what was expected of us but within no time I felt comfortable. The camp was my first camp, it was my first time away from home, and I have never had to spend days with strangers. The outcome for me was great. Teamwork, friendship, patience, confidence and trust are just a few of the things that we learned from the Team Building Camp at Umlambo. As we got back from the Camp we did a lot together and shared our life experiences. That for me has made me realise that there’s more to life and also that nothings impossible. This programme has been a real eye-opener for me and probably the whole group.
Today is the last day for us here at the Future Journalist Programme Workshop at Rhodes University. It is a sad day but it’s ok. Some of us miss home and some don’t. But we keep telling ourselves that we will see each other in June. That’s pretty close if you think about it. I remember when we first arrived, it was strange. We didn’t know each other but after a day or so things changed. We were no longer strangers but a team.
I, for one, didn’t know what to expect or what was expected of us but within no time I felt comfortable. The camp was my first camp, it was my first time away from home, and I have never had to spend days with strangers. The outcome for me was great. Teamwork, friendship, patience, confidence and trust are just a few of the things that we learned from the Team Building Camp at Umlambo. As we got back from the Camp we did a lot together and shared our life experiences. That for me has made me realise that there’s more to life and also that nothings impossible. This programme has been a real eye-opener for me and probably the whole group.
Future Journalist Programe,
lessons learnt,
What destroys/build my community?
I would like to write about the community where I come from, what seems to be destroying and building it. I live in a township called Zwelitsha in King Williams Town.
We have a Head office of the South African Police Service, Department of Education and Home Affairs. All these that I have just mentioned helps to build my community by creating jobs, using the community radio”Izwele2 fm” informing the unemployed first before post are advertised on newspapers.
We as a community benefit largely. In terms of crime, the restructuring of Head offices has played an impact in lowering the crime rate in most of the areas. Previously the Head office of SAPS was in Bhisho. We have a community executive that is progressive and works together with the police. As a community we are always briefed and warned about any particular event that will be taking place in the community, for example “ electricity, water, meetings etc”
What basically destroys my community?
Firstly let me highlight that my community is Xhosa Orientated .Mostly children lack education...They don’t have respect for anyone and I personally think it’s because they don’t go to school. During school hours they go taverns or sheebens, alcohol is sold to everyone, regardless of your age. Unless of course you are about 9, 10,11etc
The billboards that are mostly hanged and grab attention are the ones that destroy our youth. For Example: “ABORTION IS SAFE”. For me it promotes unsafe sex and increase of HIV/Aids. I think we can use those billboards for informative and entertaining projects, i.e. “warning on cholera, how to use water etc”. Everyone just seems to be living for the sake of living, no dreams or goals. I feel that something must be done as I truly believe that our future lies in our hands.
We have a Head office of the South African Police Service, Department of Education and Home Affairs. All these that I have just mentioned helps to build my community by creating jobs, using the community radio”Izwele2 fm” informing the unemployed first before post are advertised on newspapers.
We as a community benefit largely. In terms of crime, the restructuring of Head offices has played an impact in lowering the crime rate in most of the areas. Previously the Head office of SAPS was in Bhisho. We have a community executive that is progressive and works together with the police. As a community we are always briefed and warned about any particular event that will be taking place in the community, for example “ electricity, water, meetings etc”
What basically destroys my community?
Firstly let me highlight that my community is Xhosa Orientated .Mostly children lack education...They don’t have respect for anyone and I personally think it’s because they don’t go to school. During school hours they go taverns or sheebens, alcohol is sold to everyone, regardless of your age. Unless of course you are about 9, 10,11etc
The billboards that are mostly hanged and grab attention are the ones that destroy our youth. For Example: “ABORTION IS SAFE”. For me it promotes unsafe sex and increase of HIV/Aids. I think we can use those billboards for informative and entertaining projects, i.e. “warning on cholera, how to use water etc”. Everyone just seems to be living for the sake of living, no dreams or goals. I feel that something must be done as I truly believe that our future lies in our hands.
Valuing your tradition, culture and language.
I am a Zulu woman. I have the body of the body of a Zulu woman. Umhlanga was something I went to before I did the sin in the Bible and what is wrong in my culture (losing my virginity.) The first words I learnt to say were mama, baba meaning mommy and daddy in my Zulu language. Because my parents wanted us to go to schools that they thought were schools of better education I was sent to a private Afrikaans English school. This did not change the fact that I was a Zulu girl who did her rituals. A girl who knew her language very well. I learnt the Boers and the English way of living, I was forced to forget my language and learn theirs. But one thing I never forgot was, I’m still a Zulu girl. My dad always told us that as soon as we leave the school gates we tune into what him and my mother taught us. That is what has made me value my culture and language till this day. Go on as much as you like that times have changed, but as far as I’m concerned your identity is formed by these aspects of your life. Knowing your roots, your family history is a very important thing. I have nothing against English, my point is that, speak the language threw your noise but don’t forget your language. Don’t forget who you are, where you from. This is to young people who want to forget that they have they own culture, language and traditions. But are quick in following and telling you more about other people’s cultures.
when days are dark........are few!
One might probably be wondering why on earth this guy (the writer) will say something like this. Please take a deep breath and calm yourself down. I’m about to share with you the reaction that I got when days were dark in my life. I used to have many friends; rich, poor, classy and the ‘neutral’ you name them . But my friend, listen carefully to what I’m about to share with you.I was doing grade 8. We (together with my friends) used to go and hang around in the bushes looking after cows. One day I got stuck in the river bed, because it was rainy season. What happens then must be the only question that is roaming around your mind right now I guess! Yes stuck in the river bed, I could even imagine it now as I’m telling you this my friend. Every one of them and I mean all of them were looking at me and laughing. I tried to show them how much it was hurting in that muddy place, but none of them took me seriously.Next to that river bed was the hole, where a legavaan (creature looks like crocodile) used to stay. Imagine it now my friend stuck in that hole and no one sees what you see in the hole. What do you do then my friend? I know it’s my duty to let you know what I did. Unfortunately I couldn’t help myself. It was deep. I had to get someone who will pull me out of the hole coz it was deep. Guess what happened to my so called “favourite friends”, they eventually ran and they left me there, inside the hole. If it was not for the messiah who was passing by, you or should I say yourself would not be reading about something like this.
by jeff.
by jeff.
Fun never lasts long
I have come full circle moment at the Future Journalists Programme. The experience and opportunity to be able to meet new people who share the same goal as yourself is just absolutely amazing to me.
I had never imagined myself attending this programming purely because the guy that went before me was the top student in his 2nd year clas and I on the other hand was one of the top students and other people had better results then myself and to add to the bonus Bongani was picked and he is the most deserving person in my opinion.
When I arrived at Grahmstown I felt like I was in another country because it just doesn't look like the rest of South Africa, it actually looked like we are in Europe. Excitment filled me from every toe to every finger even though it was cold outside. My first interaction with FJP's as we call ourselves was Andile and Lucky who are from the University of Zululand. The next person was the coordinator of the programme whom in their first e-mail came across as a male but is actuall very cute young women, although I must state that she is very short and pietiet and in actual fact I thought she was quite small until I got used to Mo, her is Moagisi Letlhaku.
The next people were Anele and Chwathiya from Rhodes University, oh by the way Anele asked Bongz if we knew Sizwe and you won't believe it, but the world is actually very small cause everyone knows each other in some way. We everyone arrived and waited at the parking lot I got to see some new faces but didn't actually talk to them. The camp while that's for another posts. Guys thanx for a great time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
I have come full circle moment at the Future Journalists Programme. The experience and opportunity to be able to meet new people who share the same goal as yourself is just absolutely amazing to me.
I had never imagined myself attending this programming purely because the guy that went before me was the top student in his 2nd year clas and I on the other hand was one of the top students and other people had better results then myself and to add to the bonus Bongani was picked and he is the most deserving person in my opinion.
When I arrived at Grahmstown I felt like I was in another country because it just doesn't look like the rest of South Africa, it actually looked like we are in Europe. Excitment filled me from every toe to every finger even though it was cold outside. My first interaction with FJP's as we call ourselves was Andile and Lucky who are from the University of Zululand. The next person was the coordinator of the programme whom in their first e-mail came across as a male but is actuall very cute young women, although I must state that she is very short and pietiet and in actual fact I thought she was quite small until I got used to Mo, her is Moagisi Letlhaku.
The next people were Anele and Chwathiya from Rhodes University, oh by the way Anele asked Bongz if we knew Sizwe and you won't believe it, but the world is actually very small cause everyone knows each other in some way. We everyone arrived and waited at the parking lot I got to see some new faces but didn't actually talk to them. The camp while that's for another posts. Guys thanx for a great time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
The standard of soccer in South Africa!
Is the South African soccer advancing or not in standard compared to its African counterparts?
That is the question on everybody’s lips as we are heading towards the Confederations Cup to be contested for in South Africa. Top teams from around the world will be coming down to our shores to battle it out in what promises to be a great event of football. Not long after that, the mother of all the soccer tournaments, the world cup will also be staged in the Republic of South Africa thanks to the efforts of the Country’s former President Nelson Rholihlahla Mandela and the Local Organising Committee headed by Dr Irvin Khoza and Danny Jordan.
But things do not look as pretty inside the field of play as they are outside of it. The standard has been deteriorating since the Country won its first and only African Championship trophy in 1996. Once ranked top on the African Continent and 17th in the World to a dismal 77th on the world, there is a cause for concern. A drastic plan has to be brought about or else South African football is going down.
That is the question on everybody’s lips as we are heading towards the Confederations Cup to be contested for in South Africa. Top teams from around the world will be coming down to our shores to battle it out in what promises to be a great event of football. Not long after that, the mother of all the soccer tournaments, the world cup will also be staged in the Republic of South Africa thanks to the efforts of the Country’s former President Nelson Rholihlahla Mandela and the Local Organising Committee headed by Dr Irvin Khoza and Danny Jordan.
But things do not look as pretty inside the field of play as they are outside of it. The standard has been deteriorating since the Country won its first and only African Championship trophy in 1996. Once ranked top on the African Continent and 17th in the World to a dismal 77th on the world, there is a cause for concern. A drastic plan has to be brought about or else South African football is going down.
Bon Voyage!
It's 1400hrs (excuse the military term) and we're about ready to call it a week.
Some are off tonight (all the way to Pretoria, Durban, Cape Town) and some will leave tomorrow (for Queenstown and nearer towns). But by breakfast on Saturday, all our '09 Journos will be home. Here's hoping that you don't hate your parents--or you will have a long winter!
Mo and myself will of course stay here--here being Rhodes University. We shall be sending you a lot of positive energy.
Bon Voyage!
Some are off tonight (all the way to Pretoria, Durban, Cape Town) and some will leave tomorrow (for Queenstown and nearer towns). But by breakfast on Saturday, all our '09 Journos will be home. Here's hoping that you don't hate your parents--or you will have a long winter!
Mo and myself will of course stay here--here being Rhodes University. We shall be sending you a lot of positive energy.
Bon Voyage!
The words of thank to FJPcordinator
The word of thank to FJP programme participant and cordinator of this programme.
I would first love to say that I really enjoyed being here at Rhodes university together with an each every one of you, from different institutions and especially to the programme director Miss Mougisi, Mr Sim kyazze a lecture of cause to and others people who contributed to this programme, for us as second year’s students to have this opportunity. Secondly we gained a lot from this programme what I expected and unexpected thing that I knew taking them granted. From day one from the camp going there thinking that it just for fun, but I was surprised from what we done there and everything we done there was very related from the courses that I do at my institution.
From my experience here at Rhodes University through the FJP programme, this university is privilege with infrastructure or resources such as the lab just for journalist, studio for practical work, and radio station of practical work. From what I gained am willing to share it with my school mate when I get back to school.
I would first love to say that I really enjoyed being here at Rhodes university together with an each every one of you, from different institutions and especially to the programme director Miss Mougisi, Mr Sim kyazze a lecture of cause to and others people who contributed to this programme, for us as second year’s students to have this opportunity. Secondly we gained a lot from this programme what I expected and unexpected thing that I knew taking them granted. From day one from the camp going there thinking that it just for fun, but I was surprised from what we done there and everything we done there was very related from the courses that I do at my institution.
From my experience here at Rhodes University through the FJP programme, this university is privilege with infrastructure or resources such as the lab just for journalist, studio for practical work, and radio station of practical work. From what I gained am willing to share it with my school mate when I get back to school.
It is sad that we have to part.
Oh my gosh!!! In couple of hours from know we will be leaving Rhodes heading back home, how boring. I just don’t want to think of the journey because really I feel like going to the bathroom and throwing up, it makes me sick. The fact that I will not sleep but tossing and turning on that little bus seat for sixteen hours creating images in my head and making as if I am dreaming ,just doesn’t work for me. But well, it is worth it, the experience at Rhodes was lovely, and I just cannot express how I enjoyed every second at the Umlambo camp site all I can say is AWESOME.
Out of all the fun I had I have to complain, Moagisi we understand that you don’t want us to get home and say you starved us to death but my pants don’t fit anymore, you guys need to be sued even if you didn’t force the food down our thoughts, Kidding. I loved every single thing we did and I can’t wait to come back in June.
Out of all the fun I had I have to complain, Moagisi we understand that you don’t want us to get home and say you starved us to death but my pants don’t fit anymore, you guys need to be sued even if you didn’t force the food down our thoughts, Kidding. I loved every single thing we did and I can’t wait to come back in June.
What is it really that determine whether you are a big team or not? Let’s look at it this way, in South African football (PSL) we have four teams that are regarded as the big teams in the country. Which are Kaizer Chiefs; Orlando pirates; Sundowns and Moroka Swallows.
Someone may argue that how can we say some of these teams are the big and best when they have never won a trophy in ten years? On the other hand there are teams like Supersport United that are doing very well but we do not regard to them as the big teams. What is it that makes them bigger than the others? Is it the number of supporters they have nationally? Is it have something to do with their history? Is it how much money they have or quality of players they have?
I don’t think so; look at Bloemfontein Celtic it has much more supporters than some of those so called” big” teams. Supersport United won the League title last year and it looks like they are going to defend it this year but they are not in a list of so called “big” teams. Ajax Cape Town won the Telkom knockout last year beating one of the “big” teams. Look at the current knockout competition, the NedBank Cup, all these teams exited in early stages of the tournament, but we still regard to them as big teams. Why?
Do you want to know what I think about all this? I think Orlando Pirates and Moroka Swallows are in that list just because they are the old teams in ABSA Premiership. For Mamelodi Sundowns, its just because the team president have so much money that he puts in the club. I remember one day he heard that there is a South African best player called Makhaya Ntini and he said “we must get that player in our team, how much does he want?” He didn’t know that Makhaya is a cricket player. Kaizer Chiefs is in that list because their cabinet is full of trophies that they won long time ago (during the NSL), but that’s the way I look at it. They say soccer is a universal language maybe you will have a different opinion from mine.
Someone may argue that how can we say some of these teams are the big and best when they have never won a trophy in ten years? On the other hand there are teams like Supersport United that are doing very well but we do not regard to them as the big teams. What is it that makes them bigger than the others? Is it the number of supporters they have nationally? Is it have something to do with their history? Is it how much money they have or quality of players they have?
I don’t think so; look at Bloemfontein Celtic it has much more supporters than some of those so called” big” teams. Supersport United won the League title last year and it looks like they are going to defend it this year but they are not in a list of so called “big” teams. Ajax Cape Town won the Telkom knockout last year beating one of the “big” teams. Look at the current knockout competition, the NedBank Cup, all these teams exited in early stages of the tournament, but we still regard to them as big teams. Why?
Do you want to know what I think about all this? I think Orlando Pirates and Moroka Swallows are in that list just because they are the old teams in ABSA Premiership. For Mamelodi Sundowns, its just because the team president have so much money that he puts in the club. I remember one day he heard that there is a South African best player called Makhaya Ntini and he said “we must get that player in our team, how much does he want?” He didn’t know that Makhaya is a cricket player. Kaizer Chiefs is in that list because their cabinet is full of trophies that they won long time ago (during the NSL), but that’s the way I look at it. They say soccer is a universal language maybe you will have a different opinion from mine.
The wheels on the buss go round and round?
It’s been almost two years since I was last in Grahamstown for the National Arts Festival and it was a lot colder then. Frankly I didn’t think Grahamstown was capable of temperatures higher than 22°C and found myself pleasantly surprised at my ability to roam around in a t-shirt and shorts without becoming hypothermic. Quite the contrary really, as we approached Grahamstown last Saturday the sun just seemed to get brighter and hotter with every kilometre till it eventually reached a torturous 31°C.
Eventually we arrived, and I got off the bus with a bag full of assignments and partially done laundry. My mind however had been depleted by the journey here from Cape Town, which is partially why I had such difficulty introducing myself and constructing complete sentences that morning. In what would seem a cruel twist of fate we still had to get on another bus and head to our campsite outside Umlambo. What was estimated to be an hour and a half drive became a three hour pre-Easter Egg hunt as the driver made a series of missed and wrong turns in search the campsite. I actually consider this as our first teambuilding exercise, once we realised the driver was lost we all started making calls and working together to get out of Kirkwood and to the campsite (approximately 40 minutes away). Not only that, but we managed a have a wide variety of conversations in all that time ranging from where we’re from, what uni we’re at, to who’d be at the ANC rally we just stumbled upon.
After many a windy and dusty road we eventually found our way to the campsite but that's one for another time
Eventually we arrived, and I got off the bus with a bag full of assignments and partially done laundry. My mind however had been depleted by the journey here from Cape Town, which is partially why I had such difficulty introducing myself and constructing complete sentences that morning. In what would seem a cruel twist of fate we still had to get on another bus and head to our campsite outside Umlambo. What was estimated to be an hour and a half drive became a three hour pre-Easter Egg hunt as the driver made a series of missed and wrong turns in search the campsite. I actually consider this as our first teambuilding exercise, once we realised the driver was lost we all started making calls and working together to get out of Kirkwood and to the campsite (approximately 40 minutes away). Not only that, but we managed a have a wide variety of conversations in all that time ranging from where we’re from, what uni we’re at, to who’d be at the ANC rally we just stumbled upon.
After many a windy and dusty road we eventually found our way to the campsite but that's one for another time
Back to my hectic academic lifestyle
It has been a very wonderful learning experience to participate in the Future Journalist Programme (FJP) , however, I guess even the good things have to come to an end. As usual, life takes me back to the busy and routine academic lifestyle, not to mention the intense load of assignments awaiting me. I am actually asking myself why I don't seem to be pleased with the fact that I going back home to this academic lifestyle, because this programme itself was academic. I guess it is because it was academic in a more relaxed way and actually made me understand the importance of studying, especially towards a career in journalism.
Nevertheless, as relaxed as this programme was, it is a good thing that I am going back to home to share all the experiences and to use the knowledge that I have gained in my assignments at school. I am fully aware that my family and educators are waiting to see how this programme has contributed in my studies and I am eager to show them how much I have learnt within a couple of days. My objective is to appreciate Sim and Moagisi for compiling such an outstanding and intellectual programme by utilising the knowledge they have ingrained in me within my studies.
Nevertheless, as relaxed as this programme was, it is a good thing that I am going back to home to share all the experiences and to use the knowledge that I have gained in my assignments at school. I am fully aware that my family and educators are waiting to see how this programme has contributed in my studies and I am eager to show them how much I have learnt within a couple of days. My objective is to appreciate Sim and Moagisi for compiling such an outstanding and intellectual programme by utilising the knowledge they have ingrained in me within my studies.
Finally, it has come where one is done with teachers fussing over not handed in projects, having incomplete homework, arriving late for school, getting demerits for misconduct, having to attend detention and the ridiculous school uniforms some of us had to wear, it is all over. Even though high school was much of a bore there were also good times and highlights such as, having many friends, functions and fundraisers and most people’s favourite, the matric dance and the after party. This may be all good and gone but one has not really had the time to sit down and think to themselves “am I really ready for tertiary?”. Seeing your name in the newspaper, at the end of your matric year, one has a sigh of relief that they are officially done with school, but not knowing what lies ahead at tertiary.
There is stress built up on while looking for your “ideal” tertiary institution which best suits your needs and personality. Once you find the institution you want, you are quite amazed at what you find along the way, as there are many challenges that you never expected to see and get quite nervous and tense. University may build you up or break you down it all boils down to what you believe in and what type of people you associate yourself with and what type of goals and standards you have set for yourself to succeed.
There is stress built up on while looking for your “ideal” tertiary institution which best suits your needs and personality. Once you find the institution you want, you are quite amazed at what you find along the way, as there are many challenges that you never expected to see and get quite nervous and tense. University may build you up or break you down it all boils down to what you believe in and what type of people you associate yourself with and what type of goals and standards you have set for yourself to succeed.
Invitation for Knowledge
I remember telling my mother’s friends that I had been doing journalism at Rhodes- the first thing they said was,’ Haai, uyabonake wena, uyazazi ukuthi uzozenzani!”. They claimed that I knew what I had been doing and that half of the news would be translated by me. It is only when I started the Future Journalists Programme (FJP) that I noticed that my knowledge had to be thrown out or filtered completely so that it could create way for new ideas.
I can clearly remember the look on my colleagues faces when they arrived at the Rhodes journalism department. One of them, Onamandla, looked at me in awe and softly said,’ you guys seriously have it all.” But the truth is that we don’t.
Here at Rhodes University; we have completely taken our academic advantages for granted. We are given books and computers galore but still- we have so much to learn. The good thing about humbling yourself to education is that you open a new page for learning. It is the people who truly and painfully believe that they know everything that stop a generation of smart people from actually moving forward. There is nothing more dangerous or even poisonous than an individual who has closed off all learning. There is no invitation more important than that of knowledge.
It completely threw me off when I was told that this would be easy for me- simply because it was not.
I know for sure that we, as a group and not an individual, are going to be a better generation of media practitioners due to the mere fact that we found ourselves learning the same thing at the same place and time and those are the lessons which will make us stronger- forgetting what we came with.
I can clearly remember the look on my colleagues faces when they arrived at the Rhodes journalism department. One of them, Onamandla, looked at me in awe and softly said,’ you guys seriously have it all.” But the truth is that we don’t.
Here at Rhodes University; we have completely taken our academic advantages for granted. We are given books and computers galore but still- we have so much to learn. The good thing about humbling yourself to education is that you open a new page for learning. It is the people who truly and painfully believe that they know everything that stop a generation of smart people from actually moving forward. There is nothing more dangerous or even poisonous than an individual who has closed off all learning. There is no invitation more important than that of knowledge.
It completely threw me off when I was told that this would be easy for me- simply because it was not.
I know for sure that we, as a group and not an individual, are going to be a better generation of media practitioners due to the mere fact that we found ourselves learning the same thing at the same place and time and those are the lessons which will make us stronger- forgetting what we came with.
The time has come..
I must say I am very sad that we are finally leaving the Future Journalists Programme. I have enjoyed myself to the extent that I even forgot about my own family and friends back at varsity. I so wish the days could be extended, not because I want to stay for the ‘nice’ food we had, but just for the people around me. You know they are such great people who are always funny at all times. We all lived in a peaceful atmosphere; there were no ‘cat’ fights, (only the girls who usually fight anyway, not us guys); we never judged each other, we all listened to each other’s opinions and we all treated each other equally.
Unity was the most important thing we could do. We’ve been through a lot of things, but the most amazing thing we survived was a storm. We all went to the shopping mall at night and by the time we were coming back, the clouds have gathered and it was starting to rain, thundering and lightning. I mean we were so terrified that we were going to be struck by the light and we thought our days of living were over, but eish! we made it back to our rooms safely. Just imagine how drippin’ wet we were!
Unity was the most important thing we could do. We’ve been through a lot of things, but the most amazing thing we survived was a storm. We all went to the shopping mall at night and by the time we were coming back, the clouds have gathered and it was starting to rain, thundering and lightning. I mean we were so terrified that we were going to be struck by the light and we thought our days of living were over, but eish! we made it back to our rooms safely. Just imagine how drippin’ wet we were!
Blogging again...
I can’t believe I’m doing this to myself again. After over three months in rehab, the feeling hasn’t changed. I’m getting excited at the thought of that first taste but I know I shouldn’t. It almost ruined me the last time. Blood-shot eyes, sweaty palms and the coffee stained breathe from restless nights of complete delusion. You wake up in the early hours of the morning and the first thing you do, the first thing you think about, is the last thing you were doing when your head hits the desk. Some days seem the longest, with your teeth clattering, biting your tongue, because you are longing for a fix. “Just give me five minutes dammit, that’s all I need”. Then voices start fighting in your head; one’s telling you, “you need to stop” while the other desperately screams “just do it”.
Then you finally give in. At first, typing in a frenzy because you want them to shut up. Soon it goes quiet and the world starts making sense again. You grab for your cold coffee. It’s going to be a long night but you’ve waited all day to do just this.
So BEWARE, blogging is so addictive.
Then you finally give in. At first, typing in a frenzy because you want them to shut up. Soon it goes quiet and the world starts making sense again. You grab for your cold coffee. It’s going to be a long night but you’ve waited all day to do just this.
So BEWARE, blogging is so addictive.
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