27 August, 2009

Women's Month, hmm...?

What began as movement against the legalisation of Dompass for women has now turned into a month of honouring, appreciation, valuating, presenting a women as the compass of the world and life.

Women Now
In this entire month alone I have heard more women news related issues. I have also heard more about what is going on with women that have and that will be making their mark in South Africa as a whole. I find it inspiring that as South Africans women are given the opportunity to voice their opinions, share business transactions and still be loved as mothers and lovers or friends.

The only aspect that still bothers me is that not all men necessary agree with all that is being done. They may smile and clap hands, but we all know how easy it is to put on a facade. My only worry is that may we not forget that there are women who still oppressed by men in the workplace, at home and anywhere else that women venture into.

Caster Semenya
The amount of public humiliation that that young women went through is inexcusable. I agree with the president of Athletics South Africa that the IAAF should apologise for humiliating her, however I must state in the same breathe that what happened at the arrival press conference was just as embarrassing as the accusations the IAAF place against Semenya. How can something about be about uplifting this young women turn into a race row. Yes it is interesting that there were no white people present for the arrival of the athletis, but the conference and the circumstances around Semenya was not the avenue to release such a discussion or negative comments. Not once did Semenya speack during that conference, and one can question whether she was told not to or she chose not to. Even what transpired in that conference was trully a bad reputation of South Africans, making it seem like we are willing to pull the race card whenever it suits us. I understand that the actions of the IAAF would come across as jealous move to stamped black people or should I say Africans, because let us be honest we have white women/European women that look like men.

And finally to all the girls of Future Journalists Programme and Highway Africa, "Happy Women's Month" and may it be not just about honouring or appreciating but may it be seen that women are powerful atom bombs who explode greatness, love, patience, care and passion. They are the kind of atom bombs that restore and leave a legacy only to remembered by those came close to her heart. May God continually bless all the women of South Africa.

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