Stump originally auditioned as a drummer for Fall Out Boy and had no previous experience at singing in a band, he became lead singer after his outstanding vocal range was discovered. Since 2001, after Stump joined Fall Out Boy, he has strived to constantly improve his work as a musician.
“They might try to tell you how you can live your life, But don't, don't forget it's your right, To do whatever you like, you like, you like, you like” Patrick Stump
His song spotlight is about people celebrating their originality and believing in yourself. This song is particularly significant to me because being mediocre is not what I want to be, I want to break boundaries and become a better person. In being a “better person”, I would like to be remembered as someone that helped people. I want to do my best career-wise so that one day I am capable of helping people that need it because I know that it is my true purpose in life.
I would like to start living in my own ‘spotlight’ instead of seeking acceptance from other people. “You could be your own spotlight, You could be the star, you could shine so bright, You could be your own spotlight.” Patrick Stump
By: Megan Stacy Deane
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