30 July, 2009
How To Keep Employees Motivated During a Recession?
Now Caty puts forward that improving engagement is as “basic as having one-on-ones…asking people what motivates them and what they enjoy about their job” so good so far but as Sumi puts it what if “your hands are tied and you can’t give them what they are looking for?”
Caty responds by saying she believes that it’s enough to have “Started a dialogue” and that you need to manage expectations…say things like “I hear you, but not sure we can focus on that now… got my feelers out for you… you don’t have to give them an immediate solution”
for the rest of the information , please visit.http://shisinga.blogspot.com/
29 July, 2009
Round Number Two!
Any soccer lovers out there? Nandisa I know you are reading this my fellow buccaneer. A lot of people argued with me when I told them that Kaizer Chiefs F.C were lucky to have emerged as victors after Thursday's Vodacom league game against Pirates. I am happy that the two Soweto giants have been drawn to play against each other on Saturday in the Telkom Charity Cup. Maybe I was just being obsessed.
One important thing about the upcoming clash is that, it is not only about the football that is going to be played but the needy, people who can't help themselves. From the money made out of the voting system used to determine the participants in the tournament to the gate takings at the stadium, that will all be shared among derseving different charitity organisations around the country. I am happy to have made my little contribution by making sure that I voted for my beloved team to be part of the equation. D-Bongs I know you are also reading this remember we have a score to settle.
Let us all let football be the winner in the end for the benefit of charity.
By: Masebe Qina
26 July, 2009
In the Newsroom
The newsroom is a nightmare. For me especially because I was put in the deep end and expected to swim with the sharks, even though I kept saying " Yal I'm fragile, I'm an intern", but the news editor was like there is no such thing! To be a proper journo, you must be able to swim with the big one's earlier on in your career and that will make your job so much easier.
Mo my friend, you are doing a good job. They are very lucky to have you to shape their journalistic abilities for them. You did the same to me and a front page in my 1st week later, I can cope well in the newsroom.
You guys must take all the lesson's you've learnt at FJP this year and use them to your advantage. I always tell Bongs and Amanda that this your chance to make a mark in journalism, no matter how small and I hope they listened to me.
24 July, 2009
One distinction
After the worst Sunday one can ever come from, the Tuesday was awesome and that made me believe the saying that says after every storm comes sunshine. I got my report card and to my surprise I had a distinction in Media Studies. I know you’re probably saying “wow lets all jump for joy Nadi” but it is the first distinction I ever got. It has always been I almost, I was nearly there, just two more marks and I would have and my sister would laugh and say, should have, could have, would have and today I’m going home to burst her should have, could have, would have bubble because now I made it.
I always knew I was capable and I have just proved it to myself.
I’d like to thank everyone who said I would never get it because they are the ones that gave me the I will get it spirit. You guys are my inspiration.
If I can do it, you who have not got a distinction yet, don’t worry your time will come.
Just keep on keeping on.
By Hunadi Ralebipi
A bad Sunday
I wake up late and my mother is on my case, shouting who is going to cook if you are still sleeping? How you will never get married because oa tswafa (your lazy).
I thought it was the end of the bad day only to find out it was the beginning. I get into a fight with my twelve year old brother Junior and he pushes me into a bath tub full of water. Nice swim, I know.
When I get to church the Pastor asks me to read the bible and I make a mess out of it, I just can’t see the words written in the holy book. Talk about an embarrassment in front of the congregation.
To make matters worse I decide to take my dad’s car and go to my friend’s house(Tendani) to fetch my keys as I was suppose to return to school, the car dies on me and I got a good hiding which I deserved anyway.
T hen my dad decides to take me to Tendon’s house. When I get there her dog that doesn’t bite decided to make me its first victim. Shame I know the worst is still to come, when my mom takes me to Campus daddy dearest does not give me pocket money. That was a long night. I listened to my stomach talk back at me and all I could do was listen.
All I could say was thank God Sunday is over because it had been a Badday for me.
Monday was not good just not as bad as Badday.
By Hunadi Ralebipi
Why do i miss you so much?
No day goes by without me saying something about the awesome NAFest and how we used to hang around together. My friends say “there we go again” every time I mention FJP. Well, Jeff is the only one who understands why I talk about you often.
Every night I sit bored in my room and wish we’d be in the common room drinking FREE coffee and talk about whatever came to of our minds, waiting for the sub warden to come and tell us to shush every now and then.
I so I cant wait for September; there is just this feeling in me that says it will be fantasties.
What have you guys done to me? If it’s a spell you cast on me please stop. I don’t want to miss you this much. It is not good for my health.
By Hunadi Ralebipi
22 July, 2009
My talent(s)
Let me give you one example, the likes of Michael Jackson the guy did not care about the PhD in English. He recognized his talent and nurtured it. Just recognize your talent and follow it.
A talent is your gift, something you do best or what makes you motivated all the time, something that you do all the time and you don’t get tired of doing it. That is the secret to life and that will draw people to you.
Fellow Brothers and Sisters if you haven’t given it a though yet , please consider doing it, and you will be amazed on how exciting it is to do something that you love, not because you have to but because it is your passion.
For more inspiring messages please do visit http://shisinga.blogspot.com/
With lots of love
Jeffrey Shisinga
“We need a big ambassador”
Terri Myburgh of the Orphan Bracelet Campaign said, “We need a big ambassador.”An ambassador that could stimulate the purchase of bracelets made by women infected with HIV/AIDS, during the Grahamstown National Arts Festival.
At their stand it contained bracelets made from recycled goods such rubber, brass and aluminium to create bracelets of absolute beauty. They currently have programmes running in Port Alfred and in Grahamstown. They are hoping to launch one in the Transkei region.
Myburgh stated, “All we need is exposure of the campaign that way we can fund our feeding schemes for the children of these women making the bracelets.” The feeding scheme feeds the children twice a day for five days a week, which is all self-funded and supported by the sales abroad.
The campaign currently thrives from international sales in the United States of America where the jewellery is being sold at R150, with a following from famous actresses such as Megan Good, Shaun Robinson and Romi Dames. Actress and activist Sheryl Lee Ralph best known for her comedy television programmes is also building awareness about the plight of women in South Africa.
In South Africa, SAMA award wining jazz artist Simphiwe Dana spear heads the promotion of the Orphan Bracelet Campaign. Myburgh stated, “We want to grow support for the campaign especially since we are at the Festival, to be able to expand through out South Africa.” One of Myburgh’s concerns was the slow roll out of Anti-Retrial virals to the people who need them the most, which are out of the city centres and living in the farms where there isn’t enough job stimulation.
Nobenzimi Malusi mother of two and from the Transkei recently joined the campaign and will soon learn the craft of making jewellery. She believes that Government is doing something, but that it is not enough and not everyone benefits. Malusi is also leather crafter and has worked closely with Myburgh for the past ten years.
Myburgh feels that government and people need to break the stigma attached to HIV/AIDS and needs to encourage employment, she stated, “We need the spirit of Ubuntu just as our campaign is about Ubuntu.”
19 July, 2009
10 July, 2009
It's hard to say goodbye
I will surely miss everyone in this programme, my south African friends are so friendly and happy people, I will surely miss the way they sing every morning before the start of work, they were so accommodating even though our English ascent are different, we relate to one another as if we’ve known each other since birth; guys I will miss you all. Sharp! Sharp!!
And to my Senegal and Ghanian sisters, am beginning to see you as my sisters, they way we wait for each other for breakfast an all that…I’ll surely miss u.
Most of all to Sim and Moagisi, am really short of words; you guys are the best, always ready to give us something fresh.The twitter,the blog and to reporting are unforgetable. Sometimes I wonder how you rest…thank you for your care…
But now is the time when we must say goodbye and when am back to Nigeria, I will always remember South Africa.
A million thank you’s
The National Arts Festival is ending and that means the FJP Winter School is ending too. It is hard to believe that we are leaving after having fun for two weeks with wonderful people, but I guess the excitement faded as we got more serious with our work.
Working together has been great. I would like to thank Sim for giving us much work and for supporting us throughout the way. Sometimes we couldn’t take the load but he would always push us until we finished the work. Twitter, Zoopy and blogging were our breakfast for every morning.
To Moagisi who made it all possible for us to meet here again, I would like to thank you. Your name says it all in Sepedi you “help in building” people. You have helped us in becoming good future journalists.
To everybody, thank you for being with me and supporting me all the way. I will miss you dearly. Till we meet again!
Lwando Helesi FJP
Off to the ground!
The journey, which one will always miss
Excitement began this journey travelled so far and I’m Amanda (Onamandla) not talking about the 12 hour bus drive I’m talking about the first time we took to the streets of Grahamstown to find a story, to speak to people, to take pictures and capture the best of the Grahamstown Arts Festival. For some of us it has been an endless spiral of highs and for others it has been 10 days of sleep deprivation and 10 days of amazing.
Experience is the key to get any foot in the door, but when there is a programme like Future journalist programme, supported by Highway Africa it makes ones opportunity greater. One has been given a opportunity that most dream of. Personally I have once again come full circle. It’s always been my dream to be part of the Grahamstown festival and it was even better when it came in the form of being a journalist. Let us not forget those that makes such opportunities available for us to indulge in, people like Sim Kyazze, whom I must say is an absolute inspiration of intelligence and power of knowledge. Then Moagisi Letlhaku, an outstanding woman who stands proudly in her league, not justifying, not explaining, but showing her power by her words and actions.
Then to the team that I work with, you are all superb. Each one of you presents something new to table. Some of us are experiencing things for the first time others are just getting used to the usually, but the fact remains we have all learned, educated, experienced and endeavoured into something we didn’t know much about. Thank you for that chance.
I believe that the God I serve watches us and has placed us strategically, so that we can learn together, build each other and embody the brotherly love that this nation needs. Thank you, may the good Lord bless you and keep, till we meet again. Hambani Kahle
Amanda Onamandla Mathe - FJP
What a journey!
The excitement of seeing each other quickly went away as the FJPs saw that there was no time for games. But we did have fun, lots of it. Each and everyday we learnt something new. As we come from different institutions this was a blessing because our institutions don’t cover the same work. Now those who came here not knowing certain things can go back with more knowledge and will hopefully pass it on to others.
Looking for stories together, individually, doing vox pops, reviewing shows, blogging and socialising are just some of the things we were exposed to. I think it is only right for me to say this would not have been possible without the Future Journalist Programme. Most importantly, thank you Moagisi Lethlaku (Programme Coordinator) and Sim (Course facilitator). You have given us a once in a lifetime opportunity and without you we would not be where we are.
Ongezwa Ndlakuse- FJP
My Grahamstown

Jeffrey Shisinga
Wow! This is one of those memories of my life that will never fade away. Let’s see where should I start? First on my arrival day to Grahamstown, it was 07:55 Tuesday 30 June 2009, after a long travel by Greyhound bus. We were warmly welcomed by our co-ordinator Moagisi Lethlaku, who took us to Wimpy, where we had our breakfast. After that, we were shown our rooms at Chris Hani residence hall, and I must say the room service there was great.
By Wednesday all Fjp’s arrived. We went to Afri Media Matrix where we met our favourite trainer Sim Kyazze. I remember that day I and Lwando were standing outside AMM when Sim arrived with His green BMW. I could tell by His smile that he missed us. That very same day we were taken to the monument where we had an interview with the CEO of National Arts Festival Tony Lankester. I must say he is down to earth gentleman; he was talking to us like we are some professionals with journalism licences.
After an interview with Tony, we went back to AMM to meet Guy Burger who officially welcomed us. Grahamstown is surrounded by great people, just like Tony, Guy Burger talked to us about twitter and how to write a good review. He showed us some twitter messages, where he said some of them were not well written.
Starting from Thursday onward, it was tough, but exciting where we started to attend the festival shows, and write some reviews. Sorry I think I missed something before we attended the shows; we had a work shop where Adrienne Sichel briefed us on how a good review should be.
When I discovered my shock a bout Grahamstown was Wednesday the 8. Myself, Masebe, Lucky, and Bongani, went out looking for *Chisanyama* because we had enough of Steers and KFC so we wanted something else. Haaa! I could not believe it; we walked the whole of Grahamstown mainly the town at Rhodes, and there is no place where they are selling Chisanyama. We even went to the Taxi ranks. Normally those are the guys who eat Chisanyama.
*Braai meat.
Jeffrey Shisinga
I'm Rubber You're Glue...
During this debate I made various comments about death (Michael Jackson’s in particular) I would have never said under normal circumstances, probably would’ve recommended firing his coffin into the sun had I thought of it at the time. Granted I’ve always enjoyed playing devil’s advocate but during that debate I felt far more like Richard Dawkins than Keano Reeves and for the life of me couldn’t figure out why. That is till now. A study recently published in the journal Psychological Science says trying to get people to think more positively about something can actually have the opposite effect (which explains a lot).
The study's authors, Joanne Wood and John Lee of the University of Waterloo and Elaine Perunovic of the University of New Brunswick, begin with a common-sense proposition: when people hear something they don't believe, they are not only often sceptical but adhere even more strongly to their original position.
A great deal of psychological research has shown this, but really you need look no further than any late-night bar debate you've had with friends: when someone claims that Jacob Zuma’s is the best thing for South Africa, or that the Bafan Bafana’s going to win 2010, or in our case that Michael Jackson was not a freak. Others not only argue the opposing position, but do so with more conviction than they actually hold. We are an argumentative species.
By Colin Wardle
Never forget!!!

The fact that you bump to celebrities daily, have breakfast and see them in action “live” was amazing. The Fest has just gave me another idea of how to use my gifts or talent, there are so many ways I can put my personality into context and fulfil my otherwise mission.
Meeting new friends from diverse societies was not an issue at first but with working together, sharing different views and opinions, it just gives you a picture of how the work industry might turn out to be.Al l in all the two weeks I spend in Grahamstown was extremely fabulous. Thanks to our coordinator Moagisi, Sim and Rhodes University and many more who also take part in making the FJP successful.
Memorable moments in Grahamstown
It is hard to believe, but yes after a wonderful moment once again in Grahamstown we have to bid farewell to our respective universities. However, I must say that the winter school at Rhodes has been a prosperous gathering that has captured many memorable moments.
For the first time attending a highly recognised festival, I got to be exposed to a number of opportunities which I have longed to experience. In fact, it gave me a sense of what a festival is. The beauty of this festival is the fact that it was not just a matter of having fun, but a building step towards my career and a platform that shapes it.
I am grateful for the knowledge and skills that I have invested during the winter school and hope that I will always be able to apply them within my studies. This winter school has made me realise my strengths and weaknesses which are hard to recognise back at school.
All thanks to Moagisi for bringing such motivated students together, and Sim who outstandingly trained such a group to explore the beauty and challenges of journalism.
Highway Africa Conference has done great job in initiating such an amazing programme.
Jane Mathebula
Thank you

Power to the people: Future Journos looking forward to their empowering programme.
Being part of the Future Journalist Programme (Winter School) helps me to grow as writer; as photographer and as a person. Working with different people who has different ideas from mine was great and I learnt a lot from (Future Journos.)
Meeting people that I never thought I will meet anytime soon like Andre Arendse made me realize how lucky I am to be part of this programme. To the organisers and everyone who made this programme successful, you guys make a difference in our lives and I know for sure that my life will never be the same again.
To all Future Journos it is always sad when we have say goodbyes but we had fun while we were learning. I hope you will take what we learn here and use it to better yourself and people around you. Don’t forget to share the information and experience you gain in programme with those people who are not lucky to be part of us (Future Journos)
I wish all the best of luck in what ever you are planning to do.
by Bongani Mthethwa (FJP)
Privileges of being a journalism student

The reason I feel like this is because, getting to experience the festival has opened my eyes a lot and taught me new things. Being able to go to shows and reviewing them, conducting vox pops, was quite a work load but it has been worth while.
I am looking forward to meeting everyone again in September and learning more new ideas. Not forgetting, however to thank Moagisi and Sim for putting up with us and believing that we are capable of doing the best to our abilities.
I would also like to thank Highway Africa for developing such an innovative and useful programme.
Samukelisiwe Makhubo
Opportunity of a lifetime
Being at the National Arts Festival was an opportunity of a lifetime. Back in high school, only the Arts and Drama students got the opportunity to be part of the festival. Seven years later I get to be part of the festival, not as a Drama student but as a future journalist.
Highway Africa has not only given us the opportunity to become good journalists, but the experience off being part of one off South Africa’s outstanding events.
Thank you very much Highway Africa.
It's so sad to say good bye to...
The FJP has been an enlightening, educative, entertaining and a real eye-opener. I will forever be grateful to Highway Africa and FJP for this wonderful experience. I shall cherish the memories forever. By: Selina Bebaako-Mensah Pic: Selina Bebaako-Mensah
Let’s make it count!
This whole programme has just started a new culture amongst us. More than ever, we can blog as much as we like. This evolution of the internet seems to have put us on the same level as any other writer and even journalist. We can contribute to global information as much as any other media practitioner.
These messages are the ones which should be known by everyone; that the world of information has actually evolved into this universe of interactivity.
Anele Ngwenya FJP
Goodbye FJP
Next step is to shop some and then pack, because I’m soooooo going home now.
I’ll miss the group though; I met many nice persons, hope we keep in touch even if we are apart. I’ll miss the nice neighbourhood and clean pavement. I'll miss going to the lab in the morning just to tweet. I’ll miss the venues, where I really felt that South African people love art not just because they want to be seen or to make money out of it. I’ll miss speaking English too...okay, that’s a HUGE lie.
I’ll miss a hell lot of things but I have to let them go and get on with my life because it’s the right thing to do, I guess. You can’t live in a memory of the past, you have to keep going, meet more nice people and see more clean pavement and nice neighbourhoods. You have to start being a journalist for real too, of course.
I guess that’s my final goodbye to FJP. Hope we hear from each other.
By Sophiane Bengeloun
Pic: okosun peter
Au Revoir mes amis...

It is once again that time again when we all have to say goodbye for yet another term. I wish all my fellow FJP colleagues a safe journey home and I certainly cannot wait until we do it all over again.
It has been an amazing two weeks of the Arts Festival in Grahamstown which we have all filled with some incredible memories. We have cemented some beautiful friendships, discussed some poignant issues and as Zuki would say, "undicamisile sana".
A special thank you to Highway Africa for making this program possible, but especially to Sim and Moagisi for giving up their time and putting in so much effort into giving us something to smile about.
Farewell until we meet again in September.
Chwayitisa Nandisa Futshane-FJP 2009
The Future Journos
09 July, 2009
How is the fest?
With only two days left, the National Arts Festival is drawing to an end. A lot has been happening, the relocation of the Village Green, the death of the King of Pop Michael Jackson and the shows people watch. So, FJP journos went around asking the festinos if they are enjoying the festival.
Nadeem Ahmed, a street vendor at the Church Square, said he is enjoying the festival and everything is going well. But he points out this year’s festival is not as good as previous one.
Emily Goryman, Grahamstown: I am enjoying the festival, and I think the festival is awesome! There is a lot of staff to see and buy even though they are expensive.
Lwando Helesi FJP
How is festival
Xoliswo Pellem and Yvonne Kralo : Inice lefestival.
Lazola Kahla : It is my frist time being at the festival and I am enjoying it.
Pix: Lwando Helesi
Andile Dube
How Is Festival

Bea Udeh: This festival is fantastic. I do not regret coming all the way from the UK to report on this awesome event.
I love it here.
Pics: Lwando Helesi
How is the festival so far?

How is the festival?

“This is nice. I’ve enjoyed the outdoors a lot and I haven’t really seen any theatre.” Thozamile Douws. Festival visitor.

“We’ve been here for two days and have seen some really nice shows and some amature ones as well. A really nice production was Spitfire.” Simone and Molly. International students studying in PE.

“Hhayi, kuhamba kakuhle, siyazama nathi nje.” Zanele Hambaze, Grahamstown.
“I find this festival to be a one sided one. It’s difficult for everyone to express themselves here and only the well known are enjoying themselves. We need an innovation whereby everybody is prepared to compete.” King Zoro. Photographer, Durban.
Check out the rest of the National Arts Festival here.
Anele Ngwenya FJP
Pics: Moagisi Letlhaku
Stunning art work
Home sick
Like the last time, we really had fun. In April I was wishing we could stay longer, now I can’t wait until I get home. Maybe in September I will be crying wanting to stay, hoping we could come back next year. Since we have each others contacts we can plan something around that.
The fest was great. If it wasn’t for the allowance that we got, maybe we would not have enjoyed it as much. Thank you Moagisi.
Till we meet again.
Festival Fever in G-Town
"Its good, very nice. I love all the arts, bringing all this in a national festival. I think it is very important".
Will Marbury
Baltamore, United States.
"So far it's brilliant. I’ll definitely be back again next year with my husband because I left him at home".
Judith Fisher
Cape Town
Chwayitisa Nandisa Futshane-FJP
National Arts Festival...show it dont say it
Tshotsho dance by Xhosa group from Grahamstown
Piercing in G-Town
I made a life altering decision today, to get a second piercing in my ears. Okay so it may not be life altering, but it was the most liberating experience of my life, where I willingly inflicted pain upon myself for the price of beauty.
One of the reasons I have always been reluctant to get a piercing on my own terms (and not on my mothers), was because I was and still am afraid of infections which are life threatening, I mean really losing my ear would surely be a life altering experience. I did however decide to educate myself a little bit on the dangers of piercings, so I feel a little better knowing that if I clean my ears properly, then everything should be just fine.
All in all I am proud of myself for taking the plunge.
Chwayitisa Nandisa Futshane-FJP
How is Festival?
“It is boring and we only enjoyed the Flea Market this year and we are leaving for East London today as a result.” Craig Smith and Tamryn Brink.
A dance group preparing to do their 'thing'
Check out the size of my head!
About to bid farewell
Two days to go and we will be leaving Rhodes University and returning to our various universities.
The Future Journalists Programme Winter School has been the best!
Just like the Autumn School in April, we still get along and we're very excited about doing things together. We all wonder how Moagisi (FJP co-ordinator) was able to choose people who get along so well. You did a good job Mo! Thank you.
To Sim, thank you for being a wonderful tutor. You took your time which you didn’t have (or maybe you had it?), to work with us and help us. Thank you a million times.
To the foreign students who have just joined us, you should come back in September because you're good people and we want to see you again.
Thank you future journos for making it to Rhodes again.
See you all again in September.
How is festival?
Sbonelo Mgilane, Umthatha. The festival is wonderful. The whole atmosphere is lovely and there is so many people around.
Selba Buckland, Soweto. The festival has been very nice. I also like the place becuase we can walk at night and and nobody worries us. Many of the shows are also good to watch.
Jane Mathebula
How is the Festival?
It’s only two days before the end of the National Arts Festival. People from all over South Africa (and abroad) have been in Grahamstown since 1 July 2009.FJP Reporters have been around asking them this how Fest is going:
Damlon Rushton, Port Elizabeth: Well it’s been great. I haven’t been here for four years. I like the new Village Green. It’s very spacious.
Chimwondo Muzondo, East London: It’s been good, I recommend the Shwarma place for food.
How is Festival?
Meanwhile, vendors are making sure they make quick sales before the festival ends.
This writer took a walk to the city of Grahamstown to ask the Festinos on how they are enjoying the festival.
Its good, we’ve been here for one day, but we thought we were going to get something more.
Oyama and Buntu from East London
Am not enjoying it, the festival is very quiet this year and business is not moving
Mohammed Ndewe - Cape Town.
It is bad for this year comparing it to years before, because we don’t have customers. We reduce prices for customers just for us to get money
Chatty Kanyanya from J'burg.
Okosun Peter
Pix:Okosun Peter