10 July, 2009

Never forget!!!

What a wonderful time I had in Grahamstown! It was my first time to attend the National Arts Festival and most probably not the last. The Future Journalist Programme has increased my knowledge about the advantages and disadvantages, ethics and the protocols of media.
The fact that you bump to celebrities daily, have breakfast and see them in action “live” was amazing. The Fest has just gave me another idea of how to use my gifts or talent, there are so many ways I can put my personality into context and fulfil my otherwise mission.
Meeting new friends from diverse societies was not an issue at first but with working together, sharing different views and opinions, it just gives you a picture of how the work industry might turn out to be.Al l in all the two weeks I spend in Grahamstown was extremely fabulous. Thanks to our coordinator Moagisi, Sim and Rhodes University and many more who also take part in making the FJP successful.
Pic: Zukiswa Sidzumo

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