06 July, 2011



Marshall Bruce Mathers II born 17 October 1972 better known as Eminem or Slim Shady is a rapper, record producer, actor, lyricist and a father of two beautiful girls.
Eminem practices an art of writing, in a informal way that most people would not consider inspirational but his writing is what inspires me to be a better writer and for that he is my hero. He expresses himself and describes situations by telling stories through his music (rap), the creativity of his writing give life and colour to words, something not even academics and professional writers can do. This outstanding artist inspires me to write; every time I listen to one of his songs I know I want to be a writer. He inspires me to be the kind of writer who can write history on a napkin. I want people to remember me when I’m gone as a person who made academic thinking fun and interesting and the kind of person who got people to think and speak about issues they did not know they could think about.
by Akhona Valashiya

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