03 July, 2011

Have you heard this guy?

Randomly standing at the corner of the Beer Tent on The Village Green, confidently belting out number one hits by the likes of R.E.M, Bob Dylan and the Lion King Soundtrack is James and his guitarist Kate.

James and Kate are Rhodes students and loyal supporters of the National Arts Festival. James is a fourth year student majoring in are Law and Politics. Kate is a second year Philosophy and Physics major. James and Kate have been friends for the past two years and share a passion for music.

Kate loves playing the guitar and James loves singing; irrespective of the fact that he really cannot keep a note. They unofficially go by the name “Jakat” taken from the first few letters of their names. The bands name was literally made up on the spot when asked. Their main aim this fest is to raise enough funds everyday for two draughts of beer each.

On day one of their project, Jakat raised more money than expected. Here’s hoping they’ll get a record deal and be number one chart toppers of the century!

By Duschanka Hitzeroth

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